
Quoting John Ellis

"In the spring of 1977, Mike Chanowitz, Mary K and I wrote a paper on
GUTs predicting the b quark mass before it was found. When it was found
a few weeks later, Mary K, Dimitri, Serge Rudaz and I immediately
started working on its phenomenology. That summer, there was a student
at CERN, Melissa Franklin who is now an experimentalist at Harvard. One
evening, she, I and Serge went to a pub, and she and I started a game of
darts. We made a bet that if I lost I had to put the word penguin into
my next paper. She actually left the darts game before the end, and was
replaced by Serge, who beat me. Nevertheless, I felt obligated to carry
out the conditions of the bet.

For some time, it was not clear to me how to get the word into this b
quark paper that we were writing at the time. Then, one evening, after
working at CERN, I stopped on my way back to my apartment to visit some
friends living in Meyrin where I smoked some illegal substance. Later,
when I got back to my apartment and continued working on our paper, I
had a sudden flash that the famous diagrams look like penguins. So we
put the name into our paper, and the rest, as they say, is history."

From Wikipedia


aldemar dijo…
Que viva la ciencia, carajo.
miloc dijo…
heheh muy buena la historia no??? y JD? que pasa que no comenta!!!!
Unknown dijo…
miloc dijo…
JD eso no es un comentario!!! jejej y bueno vale la pena aclarar que cuando le ped'i a John Ellis que narrara la historia en una de las cenas del congreso, hizo 'enfasis en que no hab'ia consumido ninguna sustancia, tendremos que hablar con la gente de wikipedia...
Anónimo dijo…
Pues bien pueda corregir el artículo en wikipedia, aunque no sé si sea aceptable usar 'Private communication' como referencia.

miloc dijo…
JD!!! apareció!!! cuando llega a colombia? alcanza a llegar para el juego de risk????
Unknown dijo…
cuándo es(era)?